Tippy Tap - Piaggio Ape Prosecco Bar

Photography by John Apsey Photography

Photography by John Apsey Photography

Back story

Ah, where to begin. Honestly, there isn’t any crazy story behind this build. I met Alicia (co founder of Tippy Tap Atlanta with husband, Cory) via the good ole interwebs of Instagram and we hit it off immediately. Alicia worked in weddings and her husband, Cory, worked in finance. After chatting a while we found out we were connected by 1 degree of separation. Go figure.

Alicia had been following Lowcountry Valet and was a big fan (thanks Alicia!!) and naturally followed Silverside Design once it launched. What I really liked about this build was that during the initial talks before we settled on the build, I felt comfortable enough to disclose how bummed I was that I lost an auction by $100 while bidding on my DREAM truck. I sent her a picture of it and Alicia asked if I wanted to build the Tippy Tap vehicle using the truck as inspiration. I WAS SO STOKED.



That truck was basically all I could think about at the time so it was really easy to start designing a miniature Piaggio Ape truck around it. First of all, the colors were a perfect tribute to the 50s and that pop of red…woof. Sexy. Also this was a color palette that would fit into any occasion which made it perfect for the Tippy Tap’s goals. Most vehicles stay “safe” with really neutral palettes and I think the pops of red made a really bold statement so I wanted to keep them included everywhere I could.


Less is more

During the design phase of this vehicle, we tried a lot of different looks. I really liked that Alicia and Cory trusted my advice on a less is more approach. In the end the product was stunning and I was extremely pleased with how it turned out. Alicia and Cory shared my sentiments so it was a success all around. They were so laid back and easy to work with that I decided to offer to deliver it to them myself in Atlanta. If you happened to check our instagram story that day, you would’ve seen Cory scaring the crap out of me zooming it around his neighborhood.
