Piaggio Ape Prosecco Bar - Chugalug

Photography by Marissa Siebert

Photography by Marissa Siebert

Back story

This project was a great treat for me. My long time friend Theresa, who worked for our client Lowcountry Valet, approached me about building a mobile bar concept that she had bouncing around her brain. It just so happened that I was already bouncing the idea around myself and was on my way to acquiring a couple of these vintage Piaggio Apes with no definite plans of what to do with them. Fate had a way of aligning us and the Chug was born. While we originally intended on a 6 month build (always planning extra time on projects we've never faced before) but shipping ended up being greatly delayed pushing our build time from a 5 month window to a 3 week window!  Through a miscommunication between us, the Chug had been booked for a big event prior to completion! Yikes! I slaved from the crack of dawn to the late night hours every day to get this little beauty done.  In all honesty, it was a nightmare haha, but that's kind of the business sometimes. Some projects are a stroll in the park, others mug you while you're on that stroll.  I definitely stressed poor ole Theresa out as well. I think she called me more during that time than the equivalent of our friendship(sorry Theresa!).

(see below for the rest of the story)


The Story Continues..

The day of the event came upon us and all hands were on deck putting all the finishing touches on. Even Theresa had joined in the commotion! No one was allowed to stand idle.  With 1 hour until the event started, Theresa headed out to prepare and left Jr and I (pictured toasting to the far right) to load the trailer and bring the vehicle on site.  Just as we are tootin along towards the trailer we realize a mistake has been made...the trailer is too small!! ….. 


Driving Through Charleston..

It is now 5pm in Charleston, SC on a Friday…rush hour. With little time to think, I hopped into the Chug and pulled out onto the main road and started driving. (Might I add, never do that with one of these things.) 

I was on a mission. This chug needed to be delivered. I can't speak on what was going through everyone else's mind but believe me, I was terrified. Completely blinded by the Chug's rear box, I said a prayer and changed lanes on faith alone. About 4 miles and what seemed like forever later, I pulled into the venue unscathed and happily exhausted. We set up and tested out the system and triumphantly shared the very first pour of ice cold Prosecco that would soon become the Chug A Lug’s claim to fame.