Grey Vintage - Refrigerated Piaggio Ape Beverage Edition

Grey Vintage Piaggio Ape Refrigerated Beverage edition Display area

This Piaggio Ape is the second generation of refrigeration. The floral was actually a second choice, if you can believe it! Originally it was going to be a rich terracotta, but unfortunately the tile just did not go with the classic grey exterior. Brainstorming trying to figure a solution this tile popped out at us and we had to go for it.

Grey Vintage Piaggio Ape Refrigerated Beverage edition Side profile
Grey Vintage Refrigerated Piaggio ape beverage edition front view
Grey Vintage Refrigerated Piaggio ape beverage edition custom seating
Grey Vintage Refrigerated Piaggio ape beverage edition up close headlight
Grey Vintage Refrigerated Piaggio ape beverage edition up close tap handles
Grey Vintage Refrigerated Piaggio ape beverage edition original speedometer
Grey Vintage Refrigerated Piaggio ape beverage edition maintenance area

The refrigerated section holds up to 12 sixtel kegs and is encased in 1/2’ thick food grade cutting board material for durability and easy cleanup. This entire section is CNC cut for perfect assembly and insulated with marine grade foam insulation for maximum thermal efficiency. Access to the battery bank is located here as well and blends into the floor for easy maintenance when needed.