Greats of Craft - Refrigerated Piaggio Ape Beverage Edition


This Piaggio Ape is the first of its kind to hold a whopping 10 beverages on tap..all while staying at temp with custom refrigeration in the rear. This beautiful marble was selected for its incredible creamy orange veining to pair with the paint scheme and to compliment the lovely tones of the solid mahogany wood encasing the display.

It was important to the client to have drains under the faucets and that the plumbing was hidden. Given that the shelf is only 2'“ thick, traditional drain trays wouldn’t work because the plumbing would’ve extended down into the lower shelf. We solved this by making the drains from scratch out of solid brass and customizing the drains to exit out the rear instead of the bottom. The product came out beautifully and the client was thrilled.

Piaggio Ape refrigerated beverage cart side with door up

This Piaggio comes with many new and custom features such as a glass flip up display window that can be used as a menu display board when up in the air. It has reinforced mounts to secure it from any wind blowing it down while in service.

Piaggio Ape refrigerated beverage cart front
Piaggio Ape headlight up close
Piaggio Ape refrigerated beverage cart maintenance

The refrigerated section holds up to 12 sixtel kegs and is encased in 1/2’ thick food grade cutting board material for durability and easy cleanup. This entire section is CNC cut for perfect assembly and insulated with marine grade foam insulation for maximum thermal efficiency. Access to the battery bank is located here as well and blends into the floor for easy maintenance when needed.